Разом з Десятинною церквою, «Західним» та «Східним» «палацами» в давньоруський час входив до складу храмово-палацового комплексу київського Дитинця. Залишки «Південного палацу» були вперше виявлені П. Горюновим (1868 р.) та досліджувалися Д. Мілєєвим (1911 р.), С. Вельміним (1914 р.), Г. Івакіним (2005 р., 2016 р). |
Architectural site of the late 10th century. The remnants of the foundations were discovered during excavations in 1868 and 1893 and were taken out for the construction of other buildings. The palace was excavated by D. Mileyev in 1910 – 1911, S. Velmin in 1914, I. Samoilovski in 1939 and G. Ivakin in 2005 and 2016. The building was of 46 × 11.5 m large. The foundations were of the 1.5 – 1.7 m wide and more than 1,2 m deep from the level of the ancient surface. On the bottom of foundation ditches were wooden rim boards lying on four in row fastened by transverse beams and iron spikes. The gaps between the beams are sealed with wooden pegs. The foundation masonry was made of the red quartzite and iron-bearing sandstone (the bottom raw) on the lime mortar with crushed brick (special filler). The building was divided into three rooms – the rectangular central one and square laterals. The strength of the foundations indicates that the building was two-levelled. Construction technique, the stone masonry and use of bricks indicate that the Southern Palace was erected simultaneously with the Desyatynna Church. |